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Computer Lab

Computer Lab

Information Technology is an integral part of students life. In This day and age, Conversancy with computing is an essential component of education. Therefore, Computes are sbiguitous in the School and Students trained to use IT as a working tool, as naturally as they would use pen and paper. The info-tech centre has networked Internet realy computer for students, connected to the teacher's master console. Other peripherals in the facility include printers, scanners and modems. Students will have accessed all these as and when required. The Internet can conveniently be accessed through any of our computers thereby giving students the opportunity to tap the vast resource of knowledge available out there. Students can register on the system and have their own e-mail address.
The school Information technology laboratories are part of the highly sophisticated information technology network within the school.
The computer lab is well equipped with latest configuration computers. Sufficient computers are provided for each student. Well-equipped laboratory for science and math is provided to develop practical ideas.